How do I lodge a complaint about my CTP insurance?
If you have a complaint relating to your CTP insurance, you can contact us online here. We will be in contact with you within 15 business days to discuss your complaint and to propose a resolution. If we cannot respond to your complaint within that period, because further information, assessment or investigation is required, we will discuss reasonable alternative timeframes with you. If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint or if we cannot agree on extending the timeframe beyond 15 business days, we will treat your complaint as a dispute. The jurisdiction to cover disputes for CTP falls under the State Insurance Regulatory Authority's (SIRA) Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999. For CTP, under the Market Practice Guidelines (MPG) any External Dispute resolution process may be referred to SIRA. If we are not able to resolve your complaint/dispute to your satisfaction, within 45 days from when we first became aware of your complaint/dispute, you can refer the matter to SIRA.
SIRA may be contacted on:
CTP Complaints
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
Level 25, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Email: motor@sira.nsw.gov.au